Red Sauce America - Food, Culture, and Italian American Experience

American Tomato Sauce – 1847


Friday, February 14th, 2020 | 615 views

First published in 1847, The Carolina Housewife offered a survey of American cuisine at the time. Its more likely this recipe derives from Spanish influences rather than Italian as there were few Italian immigrants in the United States at the time. Tomatoes at the time were also more likely to be used in Catsup, a […]

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“Spanish” Tomato Sauce by Antonio Latini


Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 | 1,456 views

Perhaps the first recorded tomato sauce in Europe, Antonio Latini presented a recipe in his 1692 publication Lo Scalco alla Moderna and suggested it could be served with anything boiled, meaning it wasn’t specifically a pasta sauce. More likely it was served over a protein like fish or meat. Ingredients 6 tomatoes 1 onion Peppers […]

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