Red Sauce America - Food, Culture, and Italian American Experience

The History of Chicago’s Pizza(s)


Monday, August 19th, 2024 | 5,918 views

Thin crust tavern style from Aurelio's

Tavern style pizza in Chicago is more common than deep dish

Chicago has a deep history of pizza, and there’s a lot more than the thick crust pizza most Americans associate with the windy city.

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Original, Famous, and Everything In Between: Ray’s, a Pizza Wars Story


Friday, August 9th, 2024 | 3,748 views

Ray's Pizza neon sign

There have been many Ray’s pizzas, some famous, some original, some famous and original, but nobody actually named Ray

Ray’s — or some variation of the original, famous pizzeria — because ubiquitous in New York City. And then the lawsuits began. A look at the pizza wars that gripped the many Ray’s of New York.

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