Red Sauce America - Food, Culture, and Italian American Experience

The History of Chicago’s Pizza(s)


Monday, August 19th, 2024 | 5,631 views

Thin crust tavern style from Aurelio's

Tavern style pizza in Chicago is more common than deep dish

Chicago has a deep history of pizza, and there’s a lot more than the thick crust pizza most Americans associate with the windy city.

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Original, Famous, and Everything In Between: Ray’s, a Pizza Wars Story


Friday, August 9th, 2024 | 3,514 views

Ray's Pizza neon sign

There have been many Ray’s pizzas, some famous, some original, some famous and original, but nobody actually named Ray

Ray’s — or some variation of the original, famous pizzeria — because ubiquitous in New York City. And then the lawsuits began. A look at the pizza wars that gripped the many Ray’s of New York.

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Pizza by the Slice or Pizza by the Piece?


Friday, June 14th, 2024 | 2,092 views

A New York Slice from Joe's Pizza; its a slice, not a piece of pizza

What’s the difference between a slice and a piece of pizza? It’s a New York thing.

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A Brief History of New York City’s Oldest Pizzerias


Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 | 18,876 views

Patsy's Pizza in East Harlem is the first NYC slice

Pizza was born in Naples, but it was the Italian immigrants in New York City who mastered it. Today, pizza grown into a truly American food available in every corner of the country. Yet, a little more than a century ago, it was an unknown ethnic food few Americans had ever heard of.

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Celebrate National Pizza Day With Great Pizza History


Thursday, February 9th, 2023 | 1,614 views

A cheese pie from best pizza

February 9 is National pizza day. Don’t worry if you thought this was in October, which is National Pizza Month. Today is dedicated to pizzas of all sorts — so don’t confuse today with September 5, dedicated to National Cheese Pizza Day, September 20 for Pepperoni Pizza, and October 11 for Sausage pizza. Apparently, the nation loves pizza.

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The History of French Bread Pizza


Tuesday, July 12th, 2022 | 3,778 views

french bread pizza made with old bread

French Bread Pizza is often associated with Stouffer’s, the frozen food giant that helped popularize lasagna. French Bread Pizza followed a few years later. Stouffer’s launched the product in 1974 with an eye toward pizza ovens, then an increasingly popular home appliance.

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Inventing English Muffin Pizza


Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 | 2,508 views

Pizza took off across America during the 1950s. There were numerous contributing factors to the rise in the sudden popularity, but one that profoundly shaped every day cooking was the desire for more convenient foods.

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What Do Pants Have to Do With Pizza?


Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 | 2,364 views

Pants and pizza come together to make calzone

You might be wondering what a pair of pants and a pizza has to do with calzone.

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The Largest Pizza In America


Thursday, March 17th, 2022 | 8,827 views

a chart of pizza sizes from the New york city standard pizza slice to Koronet, to D.C. Jumbo slice, and the Super Size slice from Yonkers and also Toronto

Neapolitan pizzas have always been small. These pizzas are typically about 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Traditionally these pies are served whole, although in modern restaurants, some Neapolitan-style pies are cut into 5 or 6-inch slices, intended to allow customers to share.

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The Origins of Bagel Pizza


Thursday, November 4th, 2021 | 3,054 views

Bagel pizzas -- where do they come from?

There are few fusion foods that cause more controversy than bagel pizzas. The question of who invented the bagel pizza is an east coast / west coast rivalry bigger than Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac.

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